If you don't know already, the Pets Palace story all started from a love of pets. We're proud to say that this hasn't changed at all as we continue to partner with various organisations and causes we strongly believe embody our love for animals. So it is always a delight to hear from the organisations we support about how it has made a difference.
Just recently, we received a very welcome email from Give a Dog a Bone, Keep Kitty Happy who presented us with a certificate to show their appreciation.
We'd like to thank Nicole and the team at Give a Dog a Bone, Keep Kitty Happy for all the great work they've done. We're sure the animals that received their gifts at the shelters loved them.
Thank you Give a Dog a Bone, Keep Kitty Happy for your love-filled efforts, we really appreciate the email and certificate you sent us.
The Team at Pets Palace
Hi Bonnie and Ilana
Please see attached certificate. I am sending this to you in appreciation of your involvement and support of this appeal. Also something for you to pop in the window to say thank you to all your customers and others who make a donation to this appeal.
Thank you for supporting this appeal and therefore making a difference in the lives of many of the animals in shelters at Christmas.
I look forward to having you on board again next year.
My very best wishes,