1 – If my dog moves his tail it’s because he’s happy
Actually, A dog moves his tail when he gets excited, this can be either positive excitement or in a negative way such as nervousness.
2 – If my dog’s nose is warm, it’s because he is sick
In fact, you should always use a thermometer to know if your pet has a fever or is sick or not. The temperature of the nose is not a reliable indicator and may be misleading.
3 – A dog can’t distinguish between colours
Not true! For sure, a dog’s sight is different than that of humans, but a dog can distinguish almost every colour except red and green.
4 – Big dogs need more space than small dogs
This is not just a question of size but of breed. For example, a border terrier needs a lot of space even though it is a small sized dog. Also a Great Dane is a good apartment dog due to the fact it needs to do far less acitivity than much more active breeds to achieve the same level of health.
5 – Milk is a good nutrient for cats
This is incorrect. After two months, milk can in fact cause intestinal disorders. Milk should be replaced by water once a kitten has reached this age.
6 – You shouldn't touch a kitten because his mother will reject him
This isn't true. If you touch a kitten it is likely to get used a human presence more quickly, it won’t reject its mother or visa versa.
7 – Feeding your dog raw meat will make him aggressive
Feeding a dog raw meat has not been proven to cause aggression, other behavioural factors are the cause in aggressive dogs.
8 – When your cat purrs it means he is happy
Not necessarily, Cats also purr when they're experiencing something intense, such as pain and also happiness. If you knew the cat well I think it would be easy enough to tell which is which.
9 - A cat's whiskers have no real purpose
This is not true! A cat uses its whiskers to measure distance and is a guide for fitting into spaces. You should never cut or trim your cats whiskers for this reason.
Note: whilst we take every precaution to make sure our sources are correct and reliable, we always recommend speaking to a Vet when in doubt about your pet's health or behaviour.